A 7 kg baby is born

From time to time one of those children is born in the world who, if I were a woman, would coward me if I had to give birth. They are babies whose weight is very high compared to the average, so much so that they weigh the same as a child of about 6 months (or more) might weigh.

This is what happened a few weeks ago in Texas, where a baby was born weighing 7,540 kilos. The most curious thing is that, although they knew it would be great, nobody imagined that it would be so much.

The mother of the child, 39, suffered from gestational diabetes, which was the cause of the baby to gain so much weight inside the belly. Although they were doing the rigorous checks, the doctors predicted that the baby would be born with 5.4 kilos of weight.

With such a weight they decided that ideally, the child was born by caesarean section and, when taking it out, the baby decided to surprise everyone weighing 2 kilos more than expected.

The mother, whose name is Janet Johnson, was surprised that the birth of her baby had such a media impact, although she explained that "Everyone was amazed that it was so big." and then added that "I don't think many people know of a birth case of a 16-pound (7.54 kilos) baby.".

This baby, named Ja Michael Brown, has broken a record inside the hospital where he was born (Good Shepherd Medical Center) and, although one might think that he would be close to breaking a Guiness record, the truth is that he lacked a lot, since the biggest baby ever born (or at least, that is documented), He weighed 10,480 kilos in his day.

By the way, as the latest information, it may be interesting to know that the father of the baby is two meters tall (without the mother's gestational diabetes, it could be a little older child, always logically depending on the size of the mother) and know that the baby is in good healthWell, although he was in the neonatal ICU, he was soon transferred to the pediatric plant.

It is surprising that babies of this size are born because we are not accustomed, really, but it is also surprising to realize how little concrete a baby's weight forecast can be through an ultrasound: the error was 2,140 kilos.