The first ultrasound: Better after 12 weeks?

At the moment when the pregnancy test is positive, there are many couples who, as the days go by and know that the first weeks are the most critical in the future of the fetus, feel tempted to have an ultrasound to see if everything is going well.

In social security the first ultrasound is at twelve weeks, when the first trimester is completed, it may seem a bit late because until three months nobody sees how the child is doing, but in the end he responds, I think, to a reality: some pregnancies are irretrievably lost or you can take some Another scare

I know you still don't know where I'm going, so I'm going to explain it a bit so as not to leave the doubt floating in the environment.

Early ultrasound may not show heartbeat

Depending on when the first ultrasound is performed, things can be seen that will not be seen later (two embryos, for example, that at twelve weeks is only one) and things that will later be seen may not be seen.

By this I mean that it is possible that if the ultrasound is done too soon, the fetus will not be felt, without being it shows that there is a problem. Maybe a few days later the heartbeat begins to be noticed or perhaps it is a fetus whose heart will never beat.

Whatever the destination, what is clear is that when a professional does an ultrasound scan without noticing a heartbeat, you should do another check to confirm your absence or report your presence. Then, from an ultrasound that should not be done yet (the first one), a second one that did not touch yet is derived. This, of course, is not the worst of the matter, because the bad thing about it is the fright that takes the mother, the father and the relatives, if they are informed, with that of the "for the moment there is no beat".

The day of the second ultrasound, if all goes well, the scare is solved, but all this has happened without need.

Many pregnancies do not come to term

I know that many of the women who read the blog have suffered a miscarriage. It is something relatively common that leaves a mark on all women. The fact is that many times it happens even when the mother is not aware of it, because no pregnancy test has been done, and the pregnancy is lost confusing with a more abundant rule than usual.

If the pregnancy test has been done and if the pregnancy has already been confirmed with an ultrasound, the same can happen. The mother, aware that she is pregnant begins to bleed and goes to the emergency room. There they confirm that it is an abortion and, normally, they decide to make a curettage to eliminate any remaining pregnancy from the uterus.

In the first situation, the woman suffers an abortion without knowing it and in the second she goes to the emergency department where they arrive to make a curettage.

Know everything or not know

The gynecological professional societies recommend the first ultrasound starting at week 12 since the last period. The reason is mainly to avoid unnecessary suffering, although in this way many parents remain without knowing what happened in that time.

The difference then lies in having all the information (doing early ultrasound), even at the risk of getting a good scare or having to wait for a second to confirm that everything is going well, or not doing any ultrasound and leaving the uncertainty of whether everything is going good or bad until week twelve.

In other words, each couple who decides how much information they want to have about it, although to have a lot of information you will have to go to a private gynecologist, of course.